Summer time can be a great time for pets. Warmer days often mean longer walks, hours in the park and even outdoor adventures like camping or playing on the beach. But soaring temperatures can also take a toll on your furry friends, so it’s important to take extra precautions to keep them safe, particularly when outdoors. Here are a few tips for keeping pets safe over the summer.
Make Sure They Have Plenty of Water—and Not Just for Drinking
Staying hydrated is just as important for pets as it is for us, but there’s also a reason we are drawn to the pool when temperatures soar. If you have outdoor pets, make sure they not only have water to drink but water to lay in as well. For smaller dogs, you can use a dishpan or cat litter pan with a few inches of water in it. For larger dogs, you can have a few inches of water in a kiddie pool. You should also change this water every day or at least every few days since bugs will be drawn to it. If your pets are indoor pets, make sure you don’t raise the temperature too high indoors while you are gone.
Treat Them and Your Yard for Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks are not just annoying, they can also cause serious health issues for your pets as well. Flea and tick collars will help a great deal as will other flea prevention methods for your pets, but you should also treat your yard as well. There are chemical sprays you can use, but if you’re not a big fan of chemicals in your yard, diatomaceous earth is also a great natural kid and pet friendly solution.
Provide a Haven
If your animals are let outside, or if they are boarded outside, especially, you absolutely must provide a way for them to find shelter from the sun. You’ll want this area to feature shade, open air, and plenty of water. Keep in mind that many dog houses are shady, but are often too small to allow air flow and can reach higher temperatures than the outside air, much like a car. If your dogs are allowed inside, keeping them cool is as easy as routine air conditioning service and a working pet door.
Mind Their Paws
Pavement can become blistering in the summer and your pets don’t have shoes—unless they do. If you are prone to going on long walks with your pets on city streets, consider getting them some booties to keep their paws safe in the summer. Hiking can also cause discomfort for pets due to rocks, stickers and other sharp objects that might be on the path. In addition, if you are used to throwing your pup in the bed of the truck, this might not be a good idea in the summer since metal conducts heat so much more readily than other surfaces.
Summer can be a great time for you and your pet, but it does require taking some extra precautions. For the most part, if you simply take many of the same precautions for your pets as you do for yourself, you should do just fine.