While people everywhere are out celebrating the 4th of July with friends and family many of our dogs are dreading the crash, bang and boom of the night’s fireworks. A dog’s hearing is much better than a human’s. It’s nearly ten times as sensitive. The loud noise created by fireworks can cause anxiety and fear in even the most placid pups.
Here are 4 tips to follow on 4th of July or any day that might include a show of fireworks.
- In the morning be sure to get your dog out for an extended walk or jog. Take them to the dog park to get out all of their energy. The goal is to wear them out and calm them down before the festivities. Your pup will then be more likely to rest and relax during the noise and excitement.
- Humane Societies and local animal shelters often get over-crowded on the 4th of July each year from all of the dogs who got scared and ran away from home. Be sure to keep your dog indoors with proper identification just in case Fido escapes. It might even help to close blinds so your dog can’t see the fireworks as they happen.
- Your dog looks to you for a lot of things, including whether or not to be scared. If you remain calm and don’t react to the noise your dog is less likely to. Try not to jump at the loud booms and act as if everything is okay. Don’t baby your dog or cuddle them too much, this only reinforces their fear or anxiety.
- Turn on the radio or the television to help mask the sounds of the fireworks outside. Classical music can soothe your dog or a riveting show on Animal Planet could be the perfect distration. Even the white noise of a fan or air conditioner can help cover the crack and boom of 4th of July fireworks.
Do you have any tips on how to keep your dog calm and comfortable? Share them with us below!