A puppy is a bundle of love for everyone in the home, and it's exciting when you decide to get one. However, how do you possibly pick one puppy out of all of the puppies available? To narrow it down, start by asking the right questions. Here are questions to ask when you're looking for a new puppy to add to the family.
How Long Will You Be in Your Current Home?
It's not fair to get a puppy and then move it from house to house to house. Dogs like consistency, just like humans do. Plus, moving constantly means that you might end up somewhere without the proper accommodations for a dog. It's best if you have a home you plan to live in for years. This will become the dog's home just as much as your home.
What's the Best Size of Dog for Your Family?
Dogs come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, and you want one that fits into your home without being too big or too small. Bigger dogs may be your style, but they also generally require a lot of space. Smaller dogs may not need as much space, but they may not have the personality you want.
While size does matter, it's not necessarily the only thing that matters. You need to research the different breeds to learn which ones will match the personality in your home and fit in the space available. Once you have it narrowed down, you can look at a few puppies for sale until you find one that suits your family and home.
Will the Dog be Cared for Properly?
We all live very busy lives. However, you can't be too busy for your new puppy. Puppies require extensive training and attention. If you don't have the proper time, you will need to get help from their family members or a paid service. As the dog gets older, it's going to continue to need constant care.
Think about your lifestyle and whether you have the time to care for a dog. Some breeds of dog require less constant attention than others, so it may help to narrow down your search by how high maintenance each breed is.
Does Everyone Want the Dog?
When you look at puppies, it can be easy to get caught up in the cuteness. However, a puppy is something that affects the whole home. You need to be polite and consider everyone else's opinion on the matter. If everyone is on board, you know that the new puppy won't cause tension in the home. However, if some of your roommates or family members aren’t on board with a new dog, your puppy may not be able to get the love and care they need.
A new puppy is a great addition to the family as long as the situation is right. If you wait until the conditions are perfect, you and the dog will have a beautiful life together.