Like many pet owners, we often wonder what Momo would say if she could talk . If she would be the sassy diva dog we think she is, or if she would be a total girly, girl. Recently we came across these awesome prints called Tiny Confessions by Christopher Rozzi. His art stems from the thought, "what if you asked your pet or whoever to tell you their deepest secret? Or even an insignificant one." The result? Awesomely hilarious artwork.
Our fave? Obviously, this beyond adorable pug.
If you think your pup has her own Tiny Confession, Christoper can custom create one for you! Premade prints range from $12-$20 and are available on Etsy.
In the spirit of Halloween, there are a couple of prints expressing the confessions of spooky characters too. This one makes us laugh every time we see it!
What a great way to get into the holiday spirit! LOL. For Halloween, make sure to check out our special SFyline edition. We offer both duvets and beds, so let your pup get festive this howl-oween too!