Its been raining all day here in San Francisco, but lucky for us - Momo doesnt like to go outside when its cold or wet.
On rainy days like this, I love to take advantage of the downtime. While Momo curls up and naps next to the fire, I like to settle in and enjoy a good book.
The first dog book Id ever read was Marley and Me by John Grogan. I loved looking at all the adorable photos inside, it was like I was able to watch Marley grow up as I read about his life. I think I liked it so much because it was so easy to relate to all the stories of Marley being goofy, naughty and endearing all at the same time. The book made me laugh and it definitely made me cry - so I would recommend it to anyone. I would also recommend reading the book before seeing the movie. Although I did like it, something about Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston took away from the awesome-ness of Marley. Overall though, a solid two paws up.
My FAVORITE dog book by FAR is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. The book is about a family dealing with loss and turmoil seen through the eyes of Enzo, the family dog. Just the way Enzo thinks and talks, makes being a dog owner/lover all the better. Its like sweet justification because everything you thought your dog was thinking, Enzo does. Absolutely brilliant. The story is heartwrenching but so uplifting at the same time. Not that dog lovers need it, but Enzo definitely serves as a reminder as to why dogs are called Mans Best Friend. There were many times when Enzo made me laugh out loud, and many times when I was devasted because I knew what was coming. Thinking about the book is making my eyes water - and I havent read it in over three years. If that doesnt tell you how awesome it is, I dont know what will. Overall, we give this book a complete tail and body wag... its that good.
Have you read these books? Or got a book recommendation? Leave us a comment below!