Momo Mondays: Leaving on a Jet Plane

Hi, Momo here. I have an exciting piece of news to tell everyone today. Not as exciting as coming home to mountains and mountains of cheese and cookies... but close enough. So my mom and I have been living in the Far East for the last one year or so. I’m not too sure exactly where I am, but I do know that it’s really hot and sticky and the dogs here aren’t as eager to sniff my butt. So, after several months of patiently waiting for my mom to figure her work out, we are finally moving back! Yippeeee!!! To Saaaaann Fraaancisscooo where the air is cool and the dogs are cute.

To tell you the truth, I’m super uber excited about this move. It’s happening real soon I can tell. My mom has already been bringing me to the vet to get all my health certificates in order and the vet here (she’s nice but not as nice as Dr. Wong of the Blue Cross Animal Hospital SF) has been poking my tummy and feeling my heartbeat and telling mom that I’m “all set to go”. And my mom has been crazy pottering about the apartment these couple of days putting piles and piles of clothes away in boxes. The last time this happened, before I knew it, I was on a loooong flight. So, I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be the same this time too.

For the trip, mom got me a nice big airy crate so that I can see the world outside in 4 corners and it’s super spacious. I can curl up and sleep in a fur ball or I can stretch on all 4 fours and chill out. I even get to lie on the all new Chill Pad (a cool product my dad has been busy working on) which is super duper soft and comfy. To be honest, I think I’m going to have it better than the other humans upstairs in the passenger cabin. I heard they are all packed like sardines (mmm... sardines....) and can only stay in one position pretty much the entire journey.

My mom has been looking kinda anxious these days and she’s been stroking my tummy and purring about how brrraaavve I’m gonna be. Like duh. The last time I slept all the way and totally rolled out like a trooper.

So anyway, more updates to come real soon about my journey across the Great Pacific. I can’t wait to come home to San Francisco as you can tell. Yippppeeeeeee!!!

xoxo, Momo

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