Can you please it's almost 2013?! As you ring in the new year, here are some last minute tips to keeping your pup safe and happy.
Loud noises and fireworks can frighten a lot of dogs – we’ve all heard the story about the dog that dug under the fence, jumped out the window, or chewed through the wall because he was scared. To make sure your dog isn’t one of them, here are a few tips.
- Don’t take your dog with you to any firework festivities. All of us want to include our four-legged family members, but the loud squealing and bangs often trigger flight instinct in dogs.
- Make sure your pup is tagged. If you don’t have her microchipped – make that one of your New Year's Resolutions! In the meantime, keep her collar on with your current information on the tag. We're big fans of PetHub's QR Tags; reasonably price and super-user friendly, PetHub makes it easy to keep your pets safe.
- Get your dog tired before the festivities. Go for a long walk or have an extended play session. By getting your pup "dog-tired" there's a good chance he'll be snoring by the time you ring in the new year.
- Keep your pup in a quiet area. Turn the TV or radio on to distract from any outside noise and keep a water bowl accessible.
- Get your pup a Thundershirt. They help with a wide variety of symptoms like shaking, panting, barking, whining, “accidents”, clawing, digging and many others! Easy to use and drug-free, Thundershirts have an 85% success rating AND a money back guarantee – it’s definitely worth a shot.
- Never leave your pup unattended outside – remember the story about the dog that dug his way out of the yard? You DON'T want this to happen to you.
- If your dog has SUPER anxiety, talk to your vet. Sometimes, depending on the severity, they can prescribe sedatives to help.
Remember, New Year's is supposed to be FUN - starting out the 2013 with a missing or anxious pet is anything but.
From all of us at P.L.A.Y., we wish you and your loved ones a very happy new year!