Everybody knows that the honor of being the "man's best friend" has already been given to dogs. No arguments intended, but shouldn't the cats have the same title, considering that they are as popular as pooches? There's a proof.
Based on current statistics, the number of cat ownership in the United States is greater than that of dog's. To make it clear, between 2017 and 2018, there are around 96 million households that take care of cats, while the number of homeowners with dogs is almost 88 million. It's an eight-million difference, but that's still a big number.
But what makes cats great pets? Well, there are a lot of things that can turn you into a cat owner.
On top of the list is having fewer responsibilities as a pet owner. Yes, all types of animal companions should be under the care of a responsible person, but cats are low-maintenance furballs. You don't need to walk them out or bathe them. A litter box is all you need to keep the cat from making a stinky mess. And for their daily sustenance, cat food and water will do.
Pest exterminators - you shouldn't discount the fact that cats are able to sense pesky rodents and insects around your house. They hunt these pests down, and they are effective at what they do. If you don't want pests to keep on pestering you, then bring a cat home.
If you're living in a small apartment, a cat is a perfect pet choice. It doesn't need big spaces. It can easily and comfortably squeeze itself inside a box. A personal note; my cat Millie, he prefers sleeping in a shoe box than the big basket I have prepared for him. Weird, right? But cats are very much contented with small spaces; they can keep you company or entertain you whenever you’re at home.
Apart from those benefits, there are other things factors that can make you want a cat. This feline pet is advantageous when it comes to your home and economy, children, as well as your emotional, social, physical, and even spiritual needs.