No matter whether a person has a dog, cat, bird or other animal for a pet, they all hold a special place in our hearts. However, now and then all pets get sick and may require a trip to the veterinarian. While some illnesses are mild, others can be more serious and require immediate medical attention. Whatever the pet, there are certain signs pets exhibit that indicate they need to be taken to an animal hospital for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Straining and Crying During Urination
Often seen in male cats, this can indicate a urinary tract blockage and can be life-threatening if not treated immediately. Failure to seek veterinary treatment can result in a ruptured bladder or other complications, which could lead to death.
Excessive Vomiting
If a pet is unable to stop vomiting, it can indicate many possibilities. These can include ingestion of poisonous materials, intestinal tract blockage or other illnesses. Numerous tests will need to be run in order to make a correct diagnosis, and most pet parents need to choose veterinarians that have state-of-the-art equipment that can make quick and accurate recommendations for treatment.
No Appetite
If a pet refuses to eat for two days or more, a trip to the doctor is in order. My Rancho Bernardo Pet Hospital can do a variety of tests such as complete blood work to rule out certain illnesses, allowing a more accurate treatment plan to be implemented.
Pale or Blue Gums
A pet's gums often exhibit signs indicating serious conditions, many of which involve the circulatory system. If a dog or cat has gums that are white, blue or very pale they need treatment as soon as possible. In fact, blue gums are usually a sign of cyanosis, which indicates low oxygen levels in the animal's blood as a result of heart or respiratory disease.
Panting and Pacing
These behaviors can indicate your pet is clearly in distress, so they should immediately be seen by a doctor. An inability to catch their breath can indicate possible heart problems, while pacing back and forth can be a possible sign of poisoning, neurological issue or respiratory problem.
According to most veterinarians, if your pet is exhibiting any behavior that is out of the ordinary or they exhibit signs that they are clearly in distress, they should be taken to a pet hospital as soon as possible. Pets are considered members of the family, so they deserve the best possible care.