If you are like most dog companions, you want to provide your pets with a safe and loving environment. Developing a good routine that keeps animals active is essential, but ensuring their safety while roaming the back or front yards is just as important. Here are four things you can do to keep your dogs safe and entertained while in your yard.
Scent Stimulation
Allow your dog to explore the yard and improve it tracking skills. You should place items around the yard that it can find using his sense of smell, such as treats, an article of clothing, and more. Once it finds an object, reward it. The activity is fun yet mentally stimulating for pets. Keep a tub or bowl of water available so your dog can stay hydrated while searching for the items within the back yard.
There are various games that dog owners can learn to love to play in the backyards with their pets, including tug of war. Some people believe that tug-of-war can increase aggression, but the truth is that the activity provides pets with a physical and mental challenge. Throwing the Frisbee around the back yard is another game that your dog will enjoy, especially when the weather is nice and warm. It would help if you chose family-filled games, allowing your dogs and children to bond and enjoy the outdoors.
Safety First
Your pet’s safety cannot be underestimated at any point. Installing a fully-fenced yard could allow your dog to roam around the property freely while keeping it safe inside. You can maintain peace of mind when you are inside the home, at work, or out and about in the community. It would be best if you chose a fence that your dog cannot jump over, as well as fencing that animals cannot easily dig under or around. An specialty company like F & W Fence Company, Inc. could provide a distinctive, secure, and beautiful fence to keep your dog safe while it is in the yard.
One of the best ways to keep your dog entertained is to purchase toys it can enjoy. Many of the items you buy should encourage your pet to exercise or release pent-up energy, especially if it spends a significant amount of time inside the home. It would be best if you provided your dog with a variety of toys, such as plush balls, dog puzzles, and chew toys.
You can use the tips above to keep your dog safely entertained while in the yard. Staying active could enhance your dog’s behavior and keep it in good shape!