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4 Simple Solutions to Keep Your Pets Safe at All Times

Just as you must make sure to keep your children safe, you must do the same for your pets. When you’re big burly dog steps between you and a stranger ready to defend you if necessary, it’s easy to forget that your bold protector is the same dog who runs from the vacuum cleaner. Even the most ferocious felines and courageous canines can find themselves in trouble when navigating the human world unsupervised. These four simple steps will keep your favorite fur baby safe.

Microchip Your Pet

Microchipping your pet is an excellent way to safeguard him. If your pet is lost or stolen, his identification tags may end up missing or being intentionally removed. A microchip, however, is located inside the animal where it is sure to stay with him. Although you will have to keep the information in your pet’s file up to date when you move or change your number, doing so is much simpler and more convenient than having new tags made.

Install Cameras

Security cameras can help keep your pet safe both inside and outside your home. Unfortunately, pets are sometimes stolen out of fenced yards. A visible security camera will deter potential thieves while a hidden camera may catch them in the act so the police can identify the crook and retrieve your beloved pet. Monitored security cameras are useful inside your home as well. They let you keep an eye on pet sitters when you’re out of town and allow you to keep an eye on your pet. If he gets into something he shouldn’t while you’re not home, footage from your camera may help you determine what it was so you can get the right medical care.

Childproof Everything

We got lucky when our cat figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets: she let us know she could open them before she got into any of the poisonous cleaning agents that live under our kitchen sink. Unfortunately, not all pet owners are as lucky. Make sure you childproof everything your pet can reach so that he doesn’t find his way into foods, medications, cleaning supplies and other chemicals that he shouldn’t. Make sure your trash can is secure as well. Know what plants are toxic to your pet and keep them out of your home and garden. You may feel silly doing it, but crawl around your house and really take a look at things from your pet’s perspective. Eliminate attractive nuisances like hanging tablecloth tails and accessible electrical cords as soon as you find them.

Sterilize Your Pet

Spaying and neutering prevent unwanted animals and greatly reduce the risk of certain medical problems later in your pet’s life. These procedures also make your pet less likely to go looking for trouble. Sterilizing your pet won’t turn him into a perfect angel, but it will reduce his desire to try and escape your home or yard. Sterilized animals are less likely to involve themselves in fights and are much more apt to be content hanging out at home or in the yard without trying to get out.

These few simple safety tips will go a long way toward keeping your pet happy, healthy and safe. In addition to taking these steps, keep your vet’s phone number handy and know where your local pet emergency clinic is before you need it, just in case. It’s also a good idea to keep a pet first aid kit handy with an extra leash, gauze pads, antibacterial wipes and some other basics. It takes only a few minutes of time to look at the world through your pet’s eyes and take some simple steps to keep him out of trouble.

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